and become a  member today

Who Are Members?

Community Health Workers

Patient Navigators

Community Members

Any individuals involved in community health

Why should I join?

Network with other CHW’s across Kentucky

Keep up-to-date on certification and credentialing of CHW’s in Kentucky

Serve on Boards and Committees

Receive educational opportunities such as professional development and trainings

Receive discounts on KYACHW conferences.

Types of Memberships and Dues

Memberships are paid per calendar year January-December.  Membership numbers will begin with the current year and updated as payments are processed.  Non-payment of timely dues will result in a reactivation fee of $10 plus membership per individual. 

$ 25
  • Members who are currently employed as Community Health Workers
$ 30
  • Community members that support the KYACHW mission and community health.
  • Non-community health workers
Tier 1
$ 180
  • Bundle membership to receive a discount
  • Up to 10 members
Tier 2
$ 300
  • Bundle membership to receive a discount
  • Up to 20 members
$ 20
  • Student members must be enrolled in a degree program
  • Proof of status required annually
$ 20
  • Member who is retired and no longer receives CHW income
  • Proof of status required annually

Thank you for your interest in becoming a KYACHW Member!

Organizational Membership Instructions

  • Distribute the Coupon code to your members after your organization has paid.
  • Each member will need to create an account in association sphere.
  • Click Register Now on the main screen on or
  • if can choose membership/renewal button select individual on membership page.

On Association Sphere Welcome Login Screen, chose Sign Up

Enter your Name, Email, and create a password

Choose I am not a robot and Signup

Validate the email received

  • Sign in

  • Enter your coupon code received from your organization to bring your total to $0.00

  • Complete the remaining

 information and click submit

  • Welcome KYACHW Member

* If you are purchasing and Organizational Tier 1 or Tier 2 Membership, please note the contact person listed on the application will count as one of your membership slots. Please complete this form with information for your organizations membership lead. Once the application is received the person listed below will receive a unique coupon code to distribute to the rest of their purchased membership slots. This code will allow up to 9 or 19, depending on the purchased tier, more members to register at no charge. Each individual member must complete the application as a “individual member” and enter the coupon code to receive the discount.

* If you need to add additional members beyond 10 or 20 to your organizational membership, please contact after purchase to receive a discount coupon for additional members.

* If you do not receive an invoice, coupon codes, and/or a thank you email within one hour of purchase, please check any spam/junk quarantine folders, as we have experienced emails being automatically routed to those inboxes in the past. If you still cannot locate please contact Shirley Prater, KYACHW Treasurer at for a copy. 

Consider Joining a Committee


Review membership policies and promoted the association to recruit and retain Members


Collect information for open offices and submit to Executive Committee for elections

Website, Social Media, & Technology

Design, Update and Maintain KYACHW’s Website and Marketing communication material

Marketing & Networking

Marketing, Branding, and Outreach

Professional Development

Implementing trainings and professional development opportunities for CHWs

Conference Planning

Coordinate and Promote Conference and Events

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